
Taoism, also known as Daoism, is a Chinese religion and philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the natural flow of the universe. Taoism is based on the idea that all things are connected and governed by a single principle, the Tao.

According to Taoist practice, at the deepest level of our being—in our spiritual essence—we are neither man nor woman. Learn how this concept applies throughout Taoism, including its history, scriptures, ceremonies, and tradition.


  • Taoism is concerned with the spiritual elements of life, such as the nature of the universe. 
  • Taoists believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after death. 
  • Taoists believe that worry is a sign that they are not at peace with themselves and others. 
  • Taoists believe that nothing is bad in itself, only our self-interest makes us think that some events in life are bad. 


  • Taoists strive to achieve harmony with nature. 
  • Taoists strive to be virtuous, but not ostentatious. 
  • Taoists strive for self-development. 
  • Taoists strive to live in accordance with the Tao, which requires passivity, calmness, and non-strife, known as “Wu Wei”. 
  • Taoists believe in following their gut feelings and trusting their instincts. 


  • The primary text of Taoism is the Tao Te Ching, which was written by the semi-legendary scholar Laozi.
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